A unique combination of probiotics, prebiotics, saccharomyces cerevisiae, and digestive enzymes that provides dietary support for a healthy balance of intestinal microflora.
It’s almost a guarantee that some time during the show season the balance of microorganisms contained in your animal’s digestive tract will become altered or disturbed. This usually occurs when animals undergo changes, such as:
- Changing show diets
- Changes in temperature
- Hauling
- Holding to try and make a certain weight break
- Using antibiotics and other prescription drugs to combat diseases
These changes typically mean that the beneficial “friendly” microorganisms (“flora”) may not be present in the quantities animals need to get and stay healthy. The result? Slow-growing, poor-performing animals with poor immune systems that lose their muscle shape and tone and sometimes even go off feed. So how do you make the “friendly flora” win? Premier Nutrition provides you with an easy solution that aids the animal’s body in maintaining a stable balance of “friendly” to “unfriendly” flora. This new solution is called PROGUT.
PROGUT is, without question, one of the more powerful microbial containing supplements currently available in the show feed industry to help maintain and promote a healthy and normal digestive system. We understand that the appearance and performance worthy of the winner’s circle requires a stable and healthy digestive tract. This is why PROGUT was created.

What is PROGUT?
PROGUT is a unique combination of probiotics, prebiotics, saccharomyces cerevisiae, and digestive enzymes. Probiotics are the naturally occurring friendly bacteria, prebiotics help supply the nutrients probiotics need to thrive, Saccharomyces cerevisiae are yeast products and these work together to provide complete dietary support for a healthy balance of intestinal microflora.
Probiotics (Direct Fed Microbials)
The first part of PROGUT centers around a very unique probiotic (direct fed microbials) package. Probiotics, which have lately been renamed “Direct Fed Microbials" by AAFCO, are not new and in fact have been studied by scientists for decades. The definition of probiotics is: beneficial organisms that help improve the environment of the intestinal tract. That makes perfect sense. After all, the Greek term “pro” means “for” and “bio” means “life”.
While there are hundreds of strains of bacteria, the two most common types of probiotics are lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidobacterium, both of which are gram positive lactic acid producing bacteria and are included in PROGUT. The bacteria are known to provide optimal benefits throughout the intestinal tract. In general, lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria exist from the upper part of the small intestine to the lower part of the small intestine. Bifidobacterium exists from the lower part of the small intestine to the large intestine. By combining these strains together in PROGUT, we hope to help the animals entire intestinal tract.
To further enhance the “friendly-fighter” bacteria, we have included other bacteria including: Lactobacillus Lactis, known to aid in the digestion and absorption of nutrients, Lactobacillus Casei, known to help promote a healthy immune response throughout the body, and finally Enterococcus Faecium and Streptococcus Diacetilactis. The four lactobacillus type bacteria provide Eighty-Eight Million Colony Forming Units/gram Lactic Acid producing bacteria – one of the highest currently in the livestock market.
One must realize probiotics must be ingested regularly for any health promoting properties to persist. Results show with regular consumption, the bacteria temporarily colonize the lower intestine. Once consumption stops, the number of probiotic microorganisms quickly falls.
Prebiotics: What are they and why are they used in PROGUT?
Prebiotics: There has been a great deal of research published regarding the fructan sugar fructooligosaccharides (FOS) used in PROGUT over the past couple of years. FOS is a sugar extracted from the chicory plant. This sugar is not digested by mammals and moves intact through the digestive tract. Once it reaches the large intestine or colon, this sugar nourishes the beneficial bacteria. A special term “prebiotic” has even been coined to describe the beneficial relationship these sugars have in supplying nutrients to gut bacteria. FOS is extensively fermented in the large intestine by the colonic bacteria, resulting in a shift in the bacterial population to more Bifidobacterium and Lactobacillus species. This leads to an increase in lactic and butyric acid production and makes the gut environment less conducive to growth of pathogenic bacteria. FOS, when used properly, can provide a valuable alternative to the use of antibiotics due to its inhibitory action against intestinal pathogens. Most important, however, is the incidence and severity of intestinal disorders is substantially reduced. This particularly comes in handy when stressing your animal's which is when you tend to see an increase in intestinal disorders such as scouring.
What is the difference between a Prebiotic and Probiotic?
Prebiotics are foods that nourish the good bacteria already in the digestive system to optimize performance. Prebiotics are used to create a nutrient supply for Probiotics to thrive. Probiotics are live bacterial cultures added to animal feeds to improve performance. Both prebiotics and probiotics are very safe.