ByPass 2000
Protein Nutrition for Show Lambs, Goats & Steers
Ruminant animals (cattle, sheep, goats, etc.) are uniquely suited to obtain a major portion of their protein needs from both dietary sources or protein derived from microbes (bacteria, protozoa, etc.) which flourish in the stomach (rumen). Although not always appreciated, rumen microbes make up nearly 40% of the non-ammonia nitrogen available for absorption into the bloodstream. Therefore, both sources are important contributors to the total protein needs of the animal. Recent research has shown that rumen bypass proteins provide additional nutritional support beyond that which is associated with normal degradable and microbial protein sources.
These data should not be construed to the point that ruminal bypass proteins make up the primary focus of protein nutrition. On the contrary, the benefits of ruminal bypass proteins are rarely seen except during periods of high production, performance, or stress. These reasons are precisely why the nutritionists at Premier Nutrition Technologies developed ByPass 2000, the all-new rumen-bypass protein supplement developed exclusively for high-performance show lambs, goats, and steers.

The Next Generation in Rumen Bypass Technology!
ByPass 2000 has established itself as the leader in bypass protein technology for the livestock show industry. We speculate more champions (sheep, goats, and steers) have been fed ByPass 2000 than any other protein supplement on the market. Recent champions include either Grand or Reserve Grand at the American Royal (two years in a row), LA State Fair, Aksarben, NM State Fair, and the list goes on and on. The reason it helped put these animals in the winner's circle is shown below.
When Should I Use ByPass 2000?
ByPass 2000 is a quality nutritional protein supplement for all phases of lamb & calf growth; however, it is best suited for animals during at least three particular instances of the feeding cycle:
- During periods of rapid growth when microbial and digestible protein availability may be limiting. ByPass 2000 will provide additional essential proteins (amino acids) during this period of growth stress.
- During the holding phase when lambs and calves are being offered a restricted diet in an attempt to limit growth late in the feeding cycle.
- During periods of stress which may result in a catabolic condition (muscle protein breakdown) such as hauling, exercising, and/or extreme fluctuations in weather.
How Should ByPass 2000 Be Used?
ByPass 2000 should be fed daily as a nutritional supplement along with a quality, complete nutritional program. For more information on ByPass 2000 visit our frequently asked questions page.
Suggested Feeding Rates
- Growing lambs: ½ ounce
- Holding lambs: 1 ounce
- Growing steers: 1 ounce
- Holding steers: 2 ounces
- Goats: ½ ounce
- Holding goats: 1 ounce
Frequently Asked Questions
ByPass 2000™ is a bypass protein feed supplement that provides high performance ruminant animals the additional balance of essential amino acids, chelated minerals, and antioxidants their system requires to grow. ByPass 2000™ is the first product to focus on providing a bypass protein package to a ruminant animal. You see other protein feed supplements that are fed to all types of animals. Premier Nutrition focused on the specific needs of ruminant animals and developed ByPass 2000™ for the specific purpose of giving the feeder an additional nutritional tool to ensure their ruminant animals express their maximum genetic potential.
Bypass protein is also called rumen escape or undegradable protein. It is the portion of the protein from a feedstuff (corn, soybean meal, blood meal, etc.) that escapes from being broken down or digested in the rumen by microbes (bacteria, protozoa, etc.). This portion of the protein is then digested in the small intestine much like in single stomach animals such as swine or poultry.
What these little microbes do is take different protein feedstuffs, break them down, and make their own proteins. Thus, many of the high quality proteins fed are broken down in the rumen and repackaged by these little microbes. This isn’t all bad, but it is very inefficient. Anything we can do to provide the animals with a source of protein that escapes from being digested by this microbial population in the rumen and actually make it to the small intestine where it is broken down is very beneficial for all ruminant animals. This is the reason many companies have invested millions of dollars to come up with different ways to coat proteins so they will escape from being digested in the rumen stomach.
The main benefit of bypass protein is essential amino acids are metabolized in the small intestine instead of the rumen, thereby providing a source of essential amino acids for production, in the case of show animals, muscle synthesis. Anything you can do to get natural proteins past the rumen into the small intestine is very beneficial to the animal. Once the protein makes it to the small intestine, then it can be better utilized for protein synthesis.
It has been documented that bypass proteins are only beneficial when the animal's requirement for protein (amino acids) is not being met. Research suggests that at least three situations exist where bypass proteins could have an impact on the performance of a ruminant animal.
Situation 1:
The first situation where feeding bypass protein has been shown to be beneficial is to young growing ruminant animals during the growing phase of the feeding period. With rapid growth, young animals must deposit a large portion of the protein they eat to support lean muscle tissue accretion or development. A young growing ruminant animal will have a daily lean body growth very similar to that of a finishing ruminant animal (on full feed), yet only consume half the amount of feed.
Obviously, the protein requirement per unit of feed is higher for the young growing animal. Also, the higher the growth rate relative to body size and feed intake, the higher the protein requirement. Thus, research has clearly demonstrated the benefits of feeding bypass protein to young growing animals to improve animal performance and muscle development.
If you are pushing your animals early to make them bigger framed so you can compete with the bigger animals later, then bypass proteins could be beneficial.
Situation 2:
The second situation where bypass proteins have been shown to have a benefit is when they are fed to stressed animals (shipping stress, hauling out every week, extreme fluctuations in weather). Supplementing ByPass 2000™ to a complete ration should supply increased percentages of energy, minerals and vitamins, as well as protein, in view of the reduced intakes normally observed in stressed animals.
Situation 3:
The last situation is during the holding phase when animals are being offered a restricted diet in an attempt to limit growth late in the feeding cycle. The bypass proteins contained in ByPass 2000™ should help provide the protein the animal needs to maintain muscle shape and development by helping to reduce muscle protein breakdown.
ByPass 2000™ contains a balance of highly digestible rumen bypass protein sources that supply the animal a proper ratio of bypass amino acids to help assure maximal muscle expression is achieved. ByPass 2000™ is fortified with the most scientifically balanced anti-oxidant package currently available in a product of this kind. Clearly, an essential component of any supplement formulated for high-performance animals.
ByPass 2000™ should be fed as a top dress to animals already being fed a complete diet. In terms of what type of complete diet to use will depend upon the complete feed offered by your local feed dealers.
ByPass 2000 contains a unique blend of 4 bypass proteins. It contains both fishmeal and spray dried blood meal, which have a very high quality protein because they are high in lysine, methionine, and some of the other essential amino acids. It also contains Brewer’s dried grains and processed soybean meal. This provides for a unique blend of bypass proteins that supply the correct ratio of amino acids to the small intestine. You must remember that lean tissue requires a different profile of essential and nonessential amino acids than other proteins. When animal proteins are used (high bypass proteins) a larger supply of the correct essential amino acids is delivered to the site of metabolism, thus allowing for optimal protein synthesis and muscle growth.
ByPass 2000™ does not contain any low quality bypass proteins, such as meat and bone meal or feather meal.
This is one of the most common comments we hear about the product. ByPass 2000 has a palatability-enhancing ingredient contained for just this purpose. Based upon feedback from our customers, regardless of whether it is a show lamb, calf, goat, or breeding animal, ruminant animals love the taste of ByPass 2000!
Research data supports that ingredients in ByPass 2000™ help promote*:
- Better muscle development
- Better feed conversion (requires less feed to produce a pound of weight gain)
- Better bloom by improving muscle development
- Better digestion
- Better feed intakes
- Better immune function (improves the overall health of an animal when hauling frequently to jackpot shows)
- Reduced muscle breakdown (maintains muscle mass and shape when holding or limit feeding animals)
- Better growth during growing phase of feeding cycle.
ByPass 2000™ is very beneficial for animals being restricted on intake and thus needing additional nutrients. The high nutrient fortification in ByPass 2000™ allows for proper nutrient intake when a complete feed diet is fed on a restricted basis. The unique blend of protein sources, minerals, and antioxidants utilized in ByPass 2000™ helps to aid in maintaining existing muscle shape and development.
ByPass 2000™ is an all-natural product that is perfectly safe to feed to all classes of animals. It contains NO drugs, and there is NO withdrawal period prior to slaughter.
$0.35/day based upon ½ ounce serving per head per day.
Check out our list of Premier Nutrition Technologies distributors here.
Growing lambs: 1/2 ounce per day
Holding lambs 1 ounce per day
Growing calves 1 ounce per day
Holding calves 2 ounce per day
Growing goats ½ ounce per day
Holding goats one ounce per day